ETFE Roof, Skylight and Facade | ETFE Structure, ETFE Design offer etfe roof , skylight , facade , etfe structure and etfe design solutions. Our aim long term customer relations & reliable service for each project. Visit here :- Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene, ETFE, is a kind of new generation plastic having high chemical resistance and mechanical strength over a very wide temperature range. It is a very molecularly stable material. The strong bonds that exist between the fluoroplymer molecules avoids the degradation of the material due to atmospheric conditions, substances deposited on the material or ultraviolet radiation. Having 25-30 years of durability, color stability and resistance against becoming brittle, ETFE, with its unparalled alternative to traditional materials, is used successfully for heat insulation and sun control at the façades and roofs. Mechanical Properties of ETFE ETFE foils have a very high durability compared to other transparent plastic materials. High ...